I love my job. Working freelance gives me the flexibility to work when and where I wish, a luxury I didn’t have while working in the corporate publishing world. This is especially important to me since my husband travels a lot for his employer. I only have to answer to myself job-wise these days so it’s sometimes possible for me to tag along with him on his trips. Such an opportunity has presented itself next week. He will be traveling to Illinois which is where we are both from originally and where most of our family still lives. He asked me if I would like to go along to spend some time with family, and of course I said yes! So, we’ll pack my office (which consists of my laptop, cell phone and a duffel bag full of yarn) our two dogs, Raven and Rosie, and hit the road on Tuesday morning.
Now, all I have to do is discipline myself so I get some work done while I’m gone. :)