Sunday, July 5, 2009

Catching Up

As I sit here writing, I can’t help asking myself how I could let so much time pass between blog postings. Has it really been almost four months? The calendar tells me it has but, in my mind, it seems little more than a blur of flurried activity.

I’ve been doing a lot of traveling again lately with sporadic access to the Internet from my laptop. Thank goodness for Internet service on my mobile phone or I’d be even further out of touch. I haven’t tried posting blog entries from my mobile phone yet, but I’ll definitely have to look into that since the traveling is going to continue for awhile. Maybe it’s time to invest in a mobile broadband card for my laptop? It’s something to think about, but I don’t think I’m quite there yet.

One of the many things I love about my job is that my work is so portable. No matter where my travels take me, my laptop, crochet hooks and fiber fit neatly into the plan. I think the hardest part for me is trying to anticipate which fiber I’ll need while traveling, so it helps immensely if I have a particular project on the hook at the time. Otherwise, I tend to over-pack as I try to decide what I want to design while I’m away. While that doesn’t particularly bother me, I do try to keep my poor husband in mind as he tries to find a way to fit yet one more bag of yarn into our minivan!

But, I’m home again for a few weeks, so I’ll work on breathing some life back into the blog. I have a “new to me” yarn I’d like to tell you about, so I’ll try to get that up very soon. Stay tuned!

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