Monday, October 19, 2009

Autumn is in the Air!

I really love this time of year. The stifling summer heat and humidity are finally gone, replaced by much cooler and drier fall temperatures. It’s a lot more pleasant to be outdoors now, so I’ve been taking advantage of it whenever I can between work and errands and some rain. My husband and I have been working hard on getting our yard ready for winter, raking leaves, cutting back plants that need cutting back and just generally making things look nice.

Fall_2009_smallYesterday, I decided the outdoor landscape looked fall-ish enough to dress my front porch for the season. Usually, I do this about the third week in September, but it has been a warm fall and the leaves are just now turning color. Maybe it’s silly, but I don’t like to put my fall decorations out while it still feels like summer because I don’t like rushing the seasons. It reminds me of the retail stores putting the Christmas decorations out at the same time as the Halloween decorations, but that’s a rant for another day.

Fall_2009-2_small I snapped these photos while I was arranging the front porch. I have a few more things I’d like to add (including a life-size scarecrow that will sit on the love seat in the photo), so it remains a work in progress for the moment since it’s windy here today. I’ve already had to rescue a few things to keep them from blowing across the yard into the street, but I’ll put out them out again when the wind settles down.

Fall_Yarn_Colors A couple of blog entries ago, I mentioned that I had ordered the yarn to swatch a fall afghan. The yarn has arrived, and I’m busy stitching it up now. What fun!

Love and fall colors,


Jennifer Cirka said...

Your porch looks beautiful!! And I love the fall colors for the afghan...can't wait to see it!

Brenda Stratton said...

Thanks, Jennifer! I can't wait to get it done and submitted!

Kathleen Sams said...

Love the way you decorated your porch. Wish mine was that big. Think I recognize the yarn ...looking good!!!!!

Brenda Stratton said...


I can't say I'm surprised that you recognized it...LOL. Gorgeous colors, but you guys do that so well! I have to admit the photo is a little deceptive regarding the size of the porch. I'm actually standing on the sidewalk in front of the porch taking the pictures, because I couldn't get far enough away from everything to get it all in the shot. I wish it was bigger! Thanks for your comment!
